Seattle Public Schools



State Environmental Policy Act

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) provides a framework for agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before taking action. You can view SEPA-related documentation related to Seattle Public Schools projects.

Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Building Excellence VI Capital Levy

The appeal period was July 3-18, 2024, with an extension to Aug. 1, 2024

The Seattle Public Schools (SPS) has prepared a Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the proposed Building Excellence (BEX) VI Capital Levy program in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The proposed BEX VI program includes construction for replacement schools; building renovations/modernizations; building system repairs and replacements; athletic field upgrades; recreation area enhancements; site improvements; and clean energy projects. The Final PEIS evaluated three alternatives, including a no action alternative.

Where to get information: Beginning July 3, 2024, view the Final PEIS for the proposed BEX VI Capital Levy. Copies also are available for $13 by calling Seattle Public Schools at 206-252-0747 or by written request to Seattle Public Schools, P.O. Box 34165, MS 22-332, Seattle, WA  98124-1165.

Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Building Excellence VI Capital Levy

The public comment period was April 8-May 8, 2024.

The Seattle Public Schools (SPS) has prepared a Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the proposed Building Excellence (BEX) VI Capital Levy. The proposed BEX VI program includes construction for replacement schools; building renovations/modernizations; building system repairs and replacements; athletic field upgrades; recreation area enhancements; site improvements; and clean energy projects. The Draft PEIS evaluates three alternatives, including a no action alternative.

Where to get information: Beginning April 8, 2024, view the Draft PEIS for the proposed BEX VI Capital Levy. A hard copy of the document is also available for $13 by contacting Seattle Public Schools by phone at 206-252-0641 or by written request sent to Seattle Public Schools, P.O. Box 34165, MS 22-332, Seattle, WA 98124-1165.

Combined Public Meeting and Public Hearing: April 24, 2024, 6-7 p.m. in Room 2700 at the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence (2445 3rd Ave. S, Seattle) or virtually.

Determination of Significance and Scoping Notice Building Excellence VI Capital Levy

The public comment period was Jan. 16-Feb. 15, 2024.

The Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is proposing a Building Excellence (BEX) VI Capital Levy. The responsible State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) official has determined that the initial scope of the proposed BEX VI Program may have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment and that an environmental impact statement will be prepared. A scoping notice has identified areas for discussion in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and three alternatives that will be evaluated.

Where to get information: Beginning Jan. 16, 2024, view the determination of significance (DS) and scoping notice. A hard copy of the document is also available for $13 by contacting Seattle Public Schools by phone at 206-252-0641 or by written request sent to Seattle Public Schools, P.O. Box 34165, MS 22-332, Seattle, WA  98124-1165.

Virtual Hearing for BTA V Capital Levy Program

Seattle Public Schools held a virtual SEPA hearing regarding the Buildings, Technology, and Academics/Athletics (BTA) V Capital Levy Program on Oct. 14, 2021.

Final SEPA Checklist for the BTA V Capital Levy Program and Determination of Nonsignificance

The public comment period was Aug. 18-Sept. 2, 2021.

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) has prepared the final environmental checklist, in compliance with State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) regulations for the Buildings, Technology, and Academics/Athletics (BTA) V Capital Levy Program. This document provides a programmatic (non-project) level environmental review of this proposed capital levy. The SEPA official has reviewed the checklist and determined that the project does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is therefore not required under RCW 43.21C.

Where to get information: Beginning Aug. 18, 2021, view the final SEPA checklist and determination of nonsignificance (DNS) for the BTA V Capital Levy Program. A hard copy of the document is also available for $13 by contacting Seattle Public Schools by phone at 206-252-0635 or by written request sent to Seattle Public Schools, P.O. Box 34165, MS 22-332, Seattle, WA 98124-1165

Draft SEPA Checklist for the BTA V Capital Levy Program

The public comment period was May 17-June 16, 2021, with an extension until June 25, 2021.

Seattle Public Schools has prepared a draft State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist in compliance with SEPA regulations for the proposed Buildings, Technology, and Academics/Athletics (BTA) V Capital Levy Program. This document provides a programmatic (non-project) level environmental review of this proposed capital levy. The district seeks written comments on the draft SEPA checklist.

Where to get information: Beginning May 17, 2021, view the draft SEPA checklist for the BTA V Capital Levy Program.

A hard copy of the document is also available for $13 by contacting Seattle Public Schools by phone at 206-252-0551 or by written request sent to Seattle Public Schools, P.O. Box 34165, MS 22-332, Seattle, WA  98124-1165

Seattle Public Schools SEPA Remote Hearings Protocols

Hearing Calendar

Hearings will be added to the calendar once scheduled. Please see the project tabs below for more information. 

BEX Capital Levies

Elementary School Projects

The BEX capital levies support many projects for Seattle Public Schools. Read more about the determination of project significance and scoping for the most recent capital levy BEX V including the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.

Middle School Projects

High School Projects

Interim Or Non-School Sites

Seattle Public Schools owns and operates buildings that are not currently used as school buildings. Schools occupy the site as their temporary home during replacement or renovation of their permanent school building.

BEX V Capital Levy

BEX V is the Building Excellence V (BEX V) Capital Levy, which was approved by 73% of Seattle voters in February 2019. BEX supports many projects for Seattle Public Schools.

BEX V Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement  (Final PEIS) has been published for viewing by the public. View the final PEIS.  If you would like to purchase a hard copy of the report for $15, please call 206-252-0641.

The appeal period for BEX V Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement was June 18-July 2, 2018. Appeals were submitted to the superintendent.

BEX V Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement: View the draft BEX V Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.

The comment period was April 3-May 4, 2018. A public meeting was held April 16, 2018, at the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence.

If you would like to receive a full version with all attachments emailed to you, please contact If you would like to purchase a hard copy of the file for $15, please call 206-252-0641.

Determination of Significance and Scoping Notice BEX V

Seattle Public Schools is proposing a Building Excellence (BEX) V capital levy that includes construction, renovation, replacement, and modernization of school buildings throughout Seattle, as well as upgrades to and installation of lighting at athletic fields. There are four alternatives proposed for consideration. A Determination of Significance has been issued, identifying the following areas for discussion in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that will be developed:

  • Transportation
  • Land use
  • Historic and cultural preservation
  • Recreation
  • Aesthetics
  • Light and glare
  • Noise
  • Plants (including trees)
  • Habitat areas
  • Water resources
  • Construction

See the Determination of Significance and Scoping Notice

Public Comment on Scoping:  Comments were submitted on the alternatives, mitigation measures, probably adverse impacts, and licenses or permits that may be required by Feb. 12, 2019.